Berekum, GH

Overcast Clouds Humidity: 99%
Wind: SW at 1.55 M/S
20.69°C / 29.86°C
20.99°C / 22.35°C
21.07°C / 24.7°C
20.59°C / 26.31°C

Christ The King Academy

Brief history

The school was established on 4th September, 2001 with a population of about 10 children of which four (4) were girls and six (6) boys. It was established by Mr. Broni Boateng . The school now has a population of about 500 school children. 

Programs offered

Basic design and technology (BDT) on pre- technical skills.

Number of staff

15 Teachers and

5 non- teaching staff.


To help the children to well-educated and moral outfit


Education is the best legacy


  1. The school has been selected thrice on the independence celebration of which we had 2nd and twice 3rd positions.
  2. The results of the B.E.C.E. were 100% excellent and better grades.



Christ the king academy

P.O.BOX 201





Payment of school fees has become a problem in the school because the parents cannot afford to pay the fees.

Additional information

The school is appealing to NGOs to help us develop the school.


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