Berekum, GH

Light rain Humidity: 81%
Wind: WSW at 0.99 M/S
20.24°C / 30.69°C
20.92°C / 28.47°C
20.68°C / 25.82°C
20.41°C / 29.88°C

Africa's Hope, Inc.



Africa’s HOPE is a non-profit Christian organization committed to integrity, honesty,faithfulness and accountability. It is our objective to join many others who are already involved in the process of re-kindling and re-building HOPE for a generation that continues to live in abject poverty and what appears like a never-ending spiral of social, moral and intellectual decay.

We are committed to re-discovering and putting to good uses the talents and resources that God has so richly endowed us through His infinite mercy and goodness. Our hope is not in ourselves or in our abilities, but our hope depends upon the righteousness of Christ,who is our solid foundation, the author and finisher of our faith.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plan to prosper you and no to harm you, plan to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29: 11)



Africa’s Hope is entirely funded by donations. If the Lord is leading you to support this ministry, please, do not hesitate. Call 610-284-2602 or 484-557-2010 or write to us for further information at the address to the at the contacts. All your donations are tax deductible. The Founder, Douglas Yeboah-Awusi is available to speak to churches, foundations and groups. Simply call and make a request and the Founder will be there.



To proclaim and teach the truth of God in Word, Sacrament and Deed with courage and boldness through the power of God’s Holy Spirit.

Our Vision:

• To Heal society’s brokenness and despair.

• To create Opportunities for the less fortunate ones.

• To Proclaim the truth which is able to set captives free.

• To Empower needy Families.

Our Goal:

To build Hospitals and health posts where rural folks may receive quality health care at affordable cost.

To establish Schools that will undo the mis-education of our children in areas of religious, moral, social, intellectual, and psychological development.

To plant, grow and support Churches that honor Christ and the truth of His Gospel. To encourage a new spiritual and moral awakening. To raise a new breed of Christians who practice and apply their faith rather than simply take in information.

Africa’s HOPE is committed to Humility, Integrity and Truthfulness (HIT Policy). We practice zero tolerance for corruption. Our actions are filtered through the absolute truth of God’s Word. We are encouraged to press on in the light of God’s promises through His Word.


Gov. Leader S.P.A.C.E. Center

We have set up a computer learning center which I have named after former Gov. Leader of Pennsylvania who has single handedly carried this ministry to where we are today on his back with the help of his family and he hasn’t stopped…. The center is called Gov. George M. Leader S.P.A.C.E Center (SPACE stands for Strategic Poverty and Corruption Eradication).

The Center is furnished with computers to train the people so they may travel from their rural communities of despair and deprivation to the global village of varied opportunities via the information super highway. We hope to offer correspondence programs to our students in the future.

The King’s Birthday Celebration

The 1st King’s Birthday Christmas party for children was a huge success. Though, the publicity was somewhat on the low side, the turn up was still huge. My friends kept telling me not to announce it over the airwaves else, we couldn’t feed the children that would come.

They were so right! We had over 800 children that came and may be about 150 adults who stood outside the gates. Occasionally, you have a few adults who manage to enter the party hall to sneak out one or two take-away bowls of rice. The children that came enjoyed it so much.

After they had eaten, they danced and were merry. In the end each child that was present received a gift of clothes to take home. And that was how that day ended---December 25, 2007.

Fountain of HOPE Well Water Project

Through Gov. Leader’s financial, moral and spiritual support, Africa’s HOPE (AfriHOPE Missions) is drilling boreholes in the Berekum district of Ghana. Gov. & Mrs. Leader and their children funded a 20 W Bucyrus Erie Rig which arrived in Ghana in the summer of 2007. Our goal is to make water readily available to rural folks most of whom die as a result of parasites in the streams they drink from.

The problem of clean drinking water in Ghana is linked up in many ways to the proper and healthy development of children and the reduction of the high mortality rate resulting from many different diseases including AIDS, Malaria, cholera, guinea worm, etc.

Covenant Keepers Club

This is Africa’s HOPE’s children’s ministry. We want to catch them while they are still young so we can shape their thinking before they are corrupted. We want to start training them in the things of the Lord while they are still young so they may stick with it when they are old ( Prov 22:6).

We must lead them to the Lord before the days are evil. Along those lines, Africa’s HOPE is sponsoring a football club for boys called Covenant Keepers Club which meets those children at their point of interest.

HOPE Children’s Hospital

We have bought 11.5 acres of land near Berekum to build a children’s hospital. Childhood diseases and poor healthcare account for many of the deaths that occur among children before age 5. We are praying to God for funding to start building soon.

Outreach Ministry

HOPE Outreach Ministry

Africa’s HOPE Outreach ministry to prisoners in Ghana will include Transformational and Incarnational Bible studies, counseling, mentoring and job skills training. When funding becomes available, we will include remedial classes for junior and high school drop outs.

We are in the process of acquiring 50-100 acres of land where prisoners could work and produce food to feed themselves and others in Ghana’s prisons. We have plans to ship clothes to prisoners in Ghana. We also want to start a food pantry program to supplement the little food provided by the government at the Sunyani Regional Correctional Center for men and women.

AfriHOPE Missions now has the full support and the blessing of the Ghana Prison service to begin actual ministry in any of their prisons. I met with the Director-General and the Commandant of the Training school and we have their blessing to enter there for ministry.

Campus Ministry

Ministry to students in tertiary institutions in Ghana has gone past harvest time. The reason is because the workers are fewer but the populations on campuses continue to grow. Ministry to our college students is quite ripe. It is indeed crucial since the colleges and universities produce the crucible of Ghana’s potential leaders and its work force.

Though, corruption is supposedly not part of the formal academic curriculum, graduates manage to acquire the techniques before they hit the job scene. In Autumn 2008, Africa’s HOPE will go to Sunyani Polytechnic in the Brong Ahafo Regional capital to begin campus ministry there.

The funding for this program was provided by Church of the Savior Missions Department (COSMOS). The program is code-named Covenant Keepers Fellowship. It will require all participants to engage in a 4-way covenant with: Self, God, Family and Others.

We will use various study materials and general topics that are relevant to the needs of the participants. We will study biblical books like the Proverbs, Romans and some selected books such as Maxwell’s “Thinking for a Change”, Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, Warren’s “The Purpose Driven Life.” We will also talk about life skills and job readiness from biblical perspectives.


Contact Us

Africa’s HOPE, Inc. (USA)
P O Box 62
Drexil Hill, PA 19026

Tel: 610-284-2602
Fax: 610-284-5183

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In Ghana

AfriHOPE Missions (GHANA)
c/o P O Box 529
Berekum, B/A Ghana








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