Berekum, GH

Overcast Clouds Humidity: 99%
Wind: SSW at 1.67 M/S
20.63°C / 29.57°C
21.04°C / 30.24°C
20.5°C / 30.65°C
21.31°C / 27.68°C

Friends Of Health Association - FOHA


By this perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother have need, and shuts up his heart of compassion from him, how dwells the LOVE of God in him?
1 John 3: 16 – 17
On the 1st of July, 2008, a vision was being born by Agbotro Kwasi Jefferson about reaching to our societies with the message of health education in order to broaden the mind of the society on living healthy and longer. This vision was shared with other students of Nursing and Midwifery Training Collage – Berekum particularly those residents in Sunyani. They lauded the idea and promise to stand by it so that we can also contribute our quota to the development of the society in which we live as student Nurses and Midwives. The idea was shared with one Mr Benjamin Mereku, a tutor in the Nursing and Midwifery Training Collage – Berekum. He encouraged us and promised to give us his maximum support. The association started with a membership of Twenty two (22) and it was then called Sunyani Residents of Nursing and Midwifery Training Collage – Berekum.

Friends of health Association is a non – governmental, non – profit making organization, aimed at bringing Health Education to the door step of all Ghanaians and beyond who may need its assistance in accordance with the aims and vision of the association. We offer health education, Blood donation, refresher courses for Nurses and Doctors, Print health Education materials, support the vulnerable such as those with HIV/AIDs, Hepatitis B, and Organizes blood donations to support hospitals.

Aims and Objectives:

To undertake health education on conditions of concern to the community.
To promote and assist persons undertaking health education.
To ensure that health service is accessible to the poor and needy
To mobilize and support people living with conditions such as HIV/AIDs and Hepatitis B.
To organize refresher courses for Nurses and Doctors on current issues in health.
To establish clubs in colleges and schools to train students on health problems especially campaign against diseases such as Hepatitis B and Malaria.
To print Health education materials for distribution
Campaigning against hazardous activities in the country.


National Executives

Agbotro Kwasi Jefferson – Director
Appiah Kusi Daniel – Project Officer
Patricia Yeboah – General Secretary
Ampofo Yaw Adomako – Public Relations  Officer
Thomas Konjar – Coordinator
Oduro Twumasi – Financial Secretary
Vida Boahemaa – Treasurer
Anthony Sarfo – Chaplain
Kyereme Kwame Benjamin – Organizer (Main)
Addo Mary Dansowaa – Deputy Organizer
Hanna Takyiwaa – Deputy Organizer
Executive Members
Ankrah Twumasi Stephen
Oppong Kingsford Mathew


Mr. Benjamin Mereku – Tutor NMTC
Mr. Baba Yinbil Joseph – Tutor NMTC
Madam Martha Kyeremaa – Tutor and Academic Coordinator for Midwifery – NMTC


Lack of blood pressure apparatus for blood pressure assessment, glucometer for testing blood sugar level, weighing scale for    assessing weight, screens for providing privacy.
Lack of financial support to carry out programmes and incentives to motivate members.
Lack of funds to host website created.
Lack of laptop or computers for storage of data.
Lack of office
Lack of bus to go for outreach programmes.
Lack of commitment from members.

Contact Info

Office Location:
Health Way Medical Diagnostic Services opposite the Regional Hospital – Sunyani, Ghana

Phone Numbers:



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