Simple signs not seen as illness.
- Nausea and vomiting between the first and twelfth week. This is generally attributed to hormonal changes.
- Frequent Urination within the first three months due to the development of the uterus that exerts pressure on the urinary bladder.
- The load on the heart increases with the progress of pregnancy. Increase in weight increases heart load. The heart beats 10 times more than normal.
- Some women experience a burning sensation in the chest. The gas tends to exert pressure on the intestines, diaphragm and the chest.
- Tiredness is very common during the first three months of pregnancy but decreases in subsequent months
- Developing peculiar taste: She may feel a desire for starchy foods, clay, ice etc. They tend to have much salivation due to much intake of starchy foods.
- Mental tension and depression: they are easily provoked to anger, burst in tears etc under any minor inconvenience.
- Constipation due to excess intake of medicines containing iron and foetus press on the intestines.
- Occasional swelling of the joints of arms and legs. The blood increases in volume by about 50% and becomes thinner.
- Some women experience piles during pregnancy.
- Backache in the lower part of the backbone is quite common
Consult a Doctor as soon as possible in these cases;
- Bleeding in first eight weeks; miscarriage can occur
- Constant recurring pain in abdomen.
- Increase in BP with consequent burning sensation in eye and headache.
- Frequent urination with pains (kidney infection)
- Swelling of the feet and joints of fingers
- High rise of temperature
Development of the body depends on the diet of the mother.
The mother;
- Should eat to meet Nutritional requirement
- Should eat to prevent anemia which may lead to complications at delivery
- Sesame seed, Green leafy vegetables, whole meal, folic acid(medicine)
- 300 additional calories needed as recommended by food and nutrition board daily
- Note – If not the little protein will be used up
- Should be taking water frequently
What Peculiar Nutrients are needed and Why.
For the development of the uterus and the breast. About 50-60 g of protein should be taken daily. Examples of protein foods: milk, egg, pulse (neri) fruits, meat, fish, cheese.
For Protection and healing. Examples: Fruits and vegetables (carrots)
Folic Acid (medication is the best)
It checks anemia .High need of Iron 10mg over and above normal supply; 100mg of Iron capsule a day
Note: It is not required at the first four months.
Example: Green leafy vegetables, sesame seed, soya beans, fish, meat, mangoes, egg, liver
Note: Iron tablets and Folic acid are supplied at the hospitals/Family planning Centre
It helps the development of the body, bones teeth etc.
Note: Overall development suffers due to lack of calcium.
Foods: milk, pulse butter, cheese, meat, soup, mushroom, moringa.
Checks excessive and prolonged vomiting
Foods: Fresh fruits, potatoes, garlic, meat
It strengthens the teeth of the baby. It is needed daily
Foods: Carrot, milk, tomatoes, salt, cabbages, egg
It helps prevent mental retardation of the baby in the womb. It also prevents loss of elements from the body.
Foods: sea foods (fish), green leafy vegetables
Retards the development of the baby, delay healing of cuts/wounds, skin diseases and non development of the body of the baby
Medication recommended
Daily diet
Fruits, pulses (werewere), meat, eggs, bread, milk, soya tea.
Mid- day
Rice ,pulse soup,vegetables,fruits,egg,fish,cheese,bread,meat,fish,chicken/fufu/banku
Vegetable, milk, fruit, meat, fish, fufu/banku, soup etc
- Highly spiced food
- Pineapple (very ripped)
- Coffee, alcohol
DF Nutrition Clinic
Location: Adjacent NHIS office, Berekum
Contact: +233208713438