Berekum, GH

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Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Their Implications on Your Life

Social media is a networking environment which is mostly online where individuals register and profile their personal information and photos with the objective of meeting friends and people of similar interest. Facebook and Twitter are the most popular online social networking media while WhatsApp is a mobile application used for exchange of multimedia content but uses very little internet bandwidth thus very affordable.


In cognizance of the rate at which our youth are hooking up to social media, there is a need to educate them on its advantages and disadvantages accordingly. 

Social media is essential in the sense that, it creates the opportunity to network with other members who share similar interests, dreams and goals.  Members share different forms of information and communication which may include personal web, blogs and group discussion. I was enthralled when a friend shared some books (link) with me on Twitter, which cost over fifty Ghana cedis on the market.

With social media, an individual in Berekum can initiate and build strong business partnership in any part of the world without necessary meeting that individual in person. I have had the opportunity to critique the business proposal of people I have not met personally.  Today, learning from great and world’s most influential people has become very easy.  One only needs to search for these leaders and follow them either on Twitter or Facebook in order to glean from their mine of wisdom. This affords the opportunity to access their articles, daily quotes and even initiate conversations with them.  Thus, the greatest form of mentorship is bonus.

 I personally follow great leaders, advocates, and world entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, President Obama, T.D. Jakes, Noel Jones, Richard Brandson, Kofi Annan, AnasAremeyeaAnas and the likes on twitter. They mentor me with their great articles, quotes and blogs.  Who are you following on social media or who do you accept as your friend?

Most importantly, social media helps to create positive self–image. There is an opportunity to create a niche of influence and positive impact by putting your best abilities on your profile and sharing important quotes and information on your page. This goes a long way to portray the kind of reputation you build among your peers, potential employers and the world at large. Indeed, you are what you twitter and you would face what you ‘Facebook’ in future.  The question is what self-image are you building on your page? Are you perceived as a naive or a creative writer?

Furthermore, social media creates the opportunity to renew old friendship easily. Hence, meeting and maintaining classmates, colleagues and friends is another benefit of social media. Social media such as WhatsApp provides cheaper cost of sending messages and videos as compared to mobile text messaging.

Notwithstanding the enormous benefits stated above, there are some dangers that could be associated with social media. Indeed, too much of everything is bad.

Security is one of the challenges of social media due to the kind of detailed information such as phone numbers, age, residential address, names of family members, daily schedules, social plan and so on that we profile on our walls. Again, Students are getting into trouble with school administrators for incriminating and misappropriating information or pictures on their social networking profile that violates school policies and code of conducts. Of course, no administration monitors individual’s social account, however when there is report of compromise on students’ account, there would be further investigations. For instance, some students have been dismissed from one of the senior high schools in the municipality for putting nude pictures on the internet. 

It can waste time and subsequently reduce productivity if the user is not disciplined.  Maturity demands that one schedules his time and when he should be on social media.

There are reports that individuals are being turned down by employers on jobs and even interviews due to the kind of information employers are finding out on people’s social network pages. It is important to note that some employers take pictures and information on individuals’ social account as a true reflection of one’s personality.

In order for me to use social media efficiently, I define my objectives of using social media first. I do not post nor make comments that may tarnish my personality or may raise some questions on my potential employment opportunities. On May 27, 2013, XYZ News posted on its website that the Bureau of National Investigations (BNI) has arrested Mr. Michael Omari Wadie, a former Chairman Aspirant of the main opposition New Patriotic Party, NPP. The arrest was in connection with an apparently doctored sex photo which was allegedly posted on his Facebook wall to portray President John Mahama as having sex with a woman in an office. It was also reported on Joy FM on top stories dated 19 June, 2013, that a man was refused visa because of his posts that sought to tarnish the image of that country.  You may be denied a job or leadership position in future because of information you provide on your page.

Schandorf Adu Bright.

I quote, write, inspire, initiate and lead.

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