Berekum, GH

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Why A Stay? ‘Shoo-Shoo’ and the Lingering Ex-Lover

Why A Stay? ‘Shoo-Shoo’ and the Lingering Ex-Lover

Friendship with your Ex-lover (EX) cannot continue after a break up. If they will miss you so badly, they should have stayed with you.

If they will miss you so badly, abandoning you wouldn’t have been choice and thereof, your quota when you did nothing wrong.   Now that they are gone, let them stay away, while you enjoy your life.

Some EXs are so obstinate and are very unyielding. They would elect not to let you go; even after they have uninhibited you, even when the love does not exist anymore. Let them be pure that love don’t live there anymore.

Snappishly, they wake up to gather all the goodies offered and those that they have missed. They then start hunting for you in the healthier name of JUST BEING FRIENDS. You don’t have to stand at the crossed-roads in this light. It is also inessential to play for a sign. No better sign would show its head.

If you happen to be too naive, you will fall for the crap and then go back to soothing and helping them where their new lovers have botched.

Thoughts and feelings do not die. All the feelings you had for your Ex -lovers haven’t died out. They are objectively bottled-up. They are really alive in your heart mutely. When an entity of expressive magnetism shows up, there is a palpable assembly. At times like this, you will precipitously discover that you have a secreted hunger that can go wild for your erstwhile partner although you are at the ease of your new partner.

There is the need to safeguard your heart. There should be no business with your Ex. They made the choice not to stay on with you, WHY STAY ON? Your illusions that, it is over may be your mistake. Do not be patronized. Now that you are world apart, be world apart with him or her. You only need to get you right foot in-front of the left foot and keep up with the move.

Lessons should be drawn; that life can be bettered. Let all know that Not all relationships last and lead to marriage. IF it does not work out as prayed for, don’t kill yourself. You only need to discover a purpose and move on. It is pointless to the totality of your love, the so seen lover. It is also pointless to be lured away with and by beauty and money. When the person’s innermost cannot keep you, beauty and money cannot buy him or her.

Most think that LOVE is all in all. Love is never enough, understanding, compatibility, endurance, tolerance and more decisively, wisdom are correspondingly rudiments for a successful love life and happiness in any relationship. Relationship should not only be marriage driven but care and concern driven. Even in this state, if negative signs are more than the ups, pulling out would be healthier than a wait and a heart break in the end.

You can only have a woman or a man for your dream but not of your dream. Realize a purpose and you will entice the right person.


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