Berekum, GH

Light rain Humidity: 81%
Wind: WSW at 0.99 M/S
20.24°C / 30.69°C
20.92°C / 28.47°C
20.68°C / 25.82°C
20.41°C / 29.88°C

LYNX Clear Air on Asem's Issue

Contrary to the insinuations been upheld and propagated by some media
houses, Lynx Entertainment would like to clear the air and state with
undaunted clarity that, Asem’s release from contract had nothing to do
with the recent rape case or any other such thing as many have been
made to be believe. 

As stated in the official press release the following are the reasons for Asem’s release from his contract.

Lynx Entertainment and Asem have had differences in opinion as to the direction his career should go.

For the past few months, Asem has been under a new management and certain decisions taken by the artist and his new management have not represented the general image the record label wishes to portray.

Lynx Entertainment also feels that keeping Asem on the label could limit him from pushing his career in the direction that he sees fit.

Speaking to Manager of the Lynx record label and he was
quite disappointed with the misrepresentation of facts clearly stated.

“We sent out an official press release and stated the reasons and yet
these reasons have been altered and all sorts of fabrications have
been introduced. 

The facts are clear and that is what we want the
general public to know.” Albert Mensah said.


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