Berekum, GH

Overcast Clouds Humidity: 69%
Wind: SW at 2.36 M/S
21.47°C / 25.68°C
21.11°C / 26.51°C
21.11°C / 23.99°C
20.64°C / 26.7°C


Marvin Osei

Brief history

The above named school was established in the year 2000 wit...

Brief history

The school was established 17th May, 1998 at Jinijini with ...

Brief History

The school was established on 10th September, 19...

Brief History

The purpose of establishing the school was to provide the B...

The information on this site is intended to be useful and informative for the general public, mem...

Berekum College of education, formerly Berekum Teachers’ training college, held the 2nd

On Wednesday 5th May this year, the Berekum Municipal Chief Executive, Hon. Lord Oppon...

Micro finance and Small Loans Centre (MASLOC) was established early in 2004 as an apex body for t...


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