Berekum, GH

Light rain Humidity: 97%
Wind: S at 1.69 M/S
19.99°C / 27.11°C
20.39°C / 29.9°C
20.93°C / 24.49°C
20.87°C / 28.77°C

Hon. Lord Oppong Stephen, MCE of Berekum Has been asked to Vacate His Post

As Berekum prepare for a substantive chief to aid in the development of the town, the government seem to be listening to the cry of some people in the municipality. Dennis Ofori Armah, an NDC election director for the Berekum west constituency was part of the crusade to remove the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), followed by the likes of Brother Isaac an NDC serial caller and many others in the NDC party.

 Quiet a number of the members in the NDC party and indeed a substantial number of people in Berekum have attributed the lack of development in the municipality and for that matter the unpopularity of the NDC party to the inefficiencies of the MCE, Hon. Lord Oppong Stephen.

Dennis indeed dared the MCE not to attempt to seek the office again 18th February, 2013 on Shalom Radio (

On Sunday, the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Mr. Akwasi Oppong Ofosua released a list of MMDCEs who have not been re-nominated to handover to their respective Regional ministers. The MCE, Lord Oppong Stephen has thus been instructed to vacate his post and handover to the Brong Ahafo Regional minister. Could it be an answered prayer for ‘the crusaders for Lord Removal’?

The question most people are asking is “what next for Lord”?

Hon. Lord may be going through a hectic time lately, with the lost of his mother, an alleged attempt on his life, demonstration by the people of Ayakorase and Atanotia resisting the construction of the hospital road (because they don’t believe it will be done well) , media houses on his tail for his lack of proper communication and his tactless initiatives and finally his removal from office. Could this be a bad omen for him or just a challenging phase in his life?

Berekum is now patiently waiting for a new MCE to be appointed and a new chief, as the long chieftaincy dispute will hopefully be ending on August 22, 2013. Could it also be an answer to the prayers of the people of Berekum to get new leadership to bring transformational change, to raise the status of the once golden city to a ‘diamond’ city?


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