Berekum, GH

Overcast Clouds Humidity: 97%
Wind: SW at 2.02 M/S
20.42°C / 28.08°C
20.23°C / 28.92°C
20.23°C / 28.21°C
21.05°C / 27.12°C

Is Dr Bawumia Fulfilling His Promise On Berekum Roads

Berekum roads are in a very deplorable state. This has resulted in a number of uproar from citizens and various youth groups in Berekum. The Berekumman citizens Association has petitioned a number of opinion leaders to get a solution to the terrible road network and have indeed brought a lot of spotlight through the media on it.

Another group known as Berekum Youth for Accountability has also been mounting pressure on the local authorities, which has actually resulted in the paving of the stretch from the main station connecting the Seikwa road in front of First Allied Savings and Loan.

The youth had actually planned to demonstrate against the authorities, but the police citing the visit of the Vice President of Ghana, a couple of months ago, revoked their permit.

Luckily, when Dr. Bawumia was in town on June 3, 2018, he was prompted of the bad road network in Berekum. He then promised to get a solution to it.

In the recent mid year budget review, about a month (July 19) after the visit of the Vice President, the finance minister hinted that Berekum inner city roads were part of projects the government will be embarking on before the close of the year.

The youth and citizens are keenly watching if the promise of the Vice President of the Republic will be fulfilled.


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