Berekum, GH

Light rain Humidity: 97%
Wind: S at 1.69 M/S
19.99°C / 27.11°C
20.39°C / 29.9°C
20.93°C / 24.49°C
20.87°C / 28.77°C

Nananom Reject Out-of-Court Settlement of The Berekum Chieftaincy Disputes

The two factions in the Berekum chieftaincy dispute have both turn down the request of the youth of Berekun led by Berekum For progress, to use the arbitration process of the Brong Ahafo house of Chiefs (BAHC) to resolve the dispute.

They both resorted to the judicial process, which they believe strongly is the only way to get a lasting solution to the dispute between them.

Berekum For Progress wrote to the BAHC on the 25th of January 2012, requesting for up-date on the petition presented to them pleading on the House to initiate an out of court settlement or acceleration of proceedings in the Judicial process of the Chieftaincy disputes in Berekum


The house replied in two days with an attachment of a letter from Law Temple, solicitors of Nana ofori Appiah and 4 others dated 17th January, 2012, stating “our clients tell us that the process of resolving the dispute by settlement or arbitration would  further delay resolution.” This was with reference to the attempt by the Berekum District Council of churches Chaired by Rt. ReV. Dr. Kofi Effa Ababio to resolve the issues, which ended up with all the parties taking entrenched positions.

Berekum for progress received a letter from Dr. Leo Ofori and other respondents, dated 16th of January 2012, stating,” we appreciate the attempt by the youth to have this matter settled. However considering the numerous settlements tried earlier on which failed; it is our view that this matter rather heard expeditionary by the judicial committee”.

The obvious question is, so what next? The Judicial committee would sit on the case on 7th, 8th and 9th of this month that is Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday respectively.

Berekum For Progress is thus encouraging all citizens and well wishers of Berekum to participate in the proceedings at the Regional House of Chiefs, Sunyani, to show the interest of the community in the issue..





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