Berekum, GH

Broken Clouds Humidity: 83%
Wind: SW at 3.21 M/S
21.6°C / 29.34°C
21.07°C / 24.6°C
21.09°C / 27.1°C
19.3°C / 28.9°C

A Fairer World

A young man from a sub-Saharan country went to Saudi Arabia on a 2 year duty tour, minutes after he has arrived at his hotel room in Riyadh, the capital, a hotel attendant brought a note to him in which the management have stated that rich man has deposited hundreds of thousands of dollars with the hotel to take care of strangers and the poor who might visit the hotel.

The young man thought it was some kind of a joke for such a thing is unheard of in Africa. True to their words, this man did not spend even a penny throughout his 2 year stay at the hotel. Again he was given a vehicle and a driver who moved him around throughout his stay in the city.

On his last night in the hotel, he got up at 4am and prayed: good Lord, as I go back to my own country, touch the hearts of the numerous rich men in my country so that they would share a hundredth of their wealth with the less fortunate for there are so many rich men who still live on the sweat and the blood of the poor.

Those who eat with spoons should not forget those who eat with their hands.




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