Berekum, GH

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Rashida- The Black Stain In White Cloth.

Rashida- The Black Stain In White Cloth.

I, without being impolite and disrespectful would want the Chiefs, Queens, Religious Heads in Berekum and the entire society called Berekum to be conscious of the fact that the Berekum society has failed.

No one is setting any example. We need to know who we are by our culture but not by our senseless modernity. It is a heart bleeding situation after watching the Nudity of Rasida-The Black Beauty on space of social media. What a shame?

We unthinkably seem to have lost our sense of morality to the justification and freedom of Lawlessness, Carelessness, Lesbianism, Homosexuality, Indecency in Dressing, “Sakawa”, Armed-Robbery, Teenage Pregnancy, Drug Abuse, Alcoholism, and what not, at the deferral of counselling, fines, scolding, caution, retribution, deterrence and chastisement as well as by-laws.

I am stirred at this point to add my voice to the condemnation of Rashida's 'Malafaka Video' , once the talk of town in Ghana and her subsequent intentional Nude video . After watching the two videos and reflecting on the comments of the many who have watched Rashida's Nude video, I found myself unfortunate to have chanced on the nude video on social media. Many opined on Rashida’s 'Malafaka' viral video and its successive Jigwe Award with firm condemnations. Some of us taught they had taken it too far. We stood to her defense, thinking she could be molded and be mounted as a Black Beauty- showering some golden glory on us, the people of Berekum. However, she has chosen to do otherwise.

I think I have to deprecate and condemn Rashida’s choice of words and boast of sexual prowess in the 'Malafaka Video', and I solemnly regret any defense given in her name by myself with respect to the 'Malafaka' Video. With the confirmation of those as in the 'Malafaka' video in her nude video, I condemn her acts with all of my inner strength and energy.

Rashida has somewhat shown that we as people are unsuspectingly losing our poise, formality and moral scruples. Is it not awful to see a young girl at the SHS level of our Ghanaian education pinpoint herself out as a mastered sex mentor and guru?

For the benefit of those who don’t know about Rashida- The Black Beauty. She’s an SHS student from Berekum. A few months ago, a video she had recorded with her mobile phone insulting her (Malafaka) boyfriend, Kushman who had jilted her for a then senior high school girl, became viral on social media. Now she is up with a Nude video of herself.

An underlined cause of the above can undoubtedly and evidently be seen here. The society has failed. Rashida should not be the only object in this net. What about those in prostitution, homosexuality and lesbianism? If the youngest of her kind are seriously taking taste of such depravity, then we have no bound in terms of values and morality. This is obviously a negative trend and needs to be upturned.

I see her as a beautiful black young girl with the character of an unreal African woman. I do not wish to see this unwealthy black beauty in Rashida in all women but we should forgive her. She needs correction.


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