Berekum, GH

Broken Clouds Humidity: 83%
Wind: SW at 3.21 M/S
21.6°C / 29.34°C
21.07°C / 24.6°C
21.09°C / 27.1°C
19.3°C / 28.9°C

Traits of Giant Killers – Prize Focused

Traits of Giant Killers – Prize Focused

“Yes, you won the battle but what is the prize?” Schandorfquotes

One day a pastor while preaching was holding a parcel and decided to give it out. He competitively invited people to the front to battle it out. The strong men pushed and some jumped over the women to get to the front. Finally, the pastor threw the parcel up for the 3 lucky men in front to battle it out. One of the men pushed his colleagues down the ground and jumped to catch the parcel in the air. He was very excited for winning the contest and mighty applause from the cheerful crowd was given him. Then, he opened the parcel to see his #prize. It was Brazilian hair. Wow !!! And he shouted again ahaaaaaaaa this is not what I wanted and thought!!!! Out of disappointment, he miserably threw it to one of the calm women sitting in front. Like many of us, we have pursued and won battles that had empty prizes.

It is not just about winning, it is about the prize involved. David, the king knew this, so before he decided to kill the Giant, he asked what is the prize, what is actually the reward for this battle?

The Bible records; “David asked the men standing near him, "What will be done for the man who kills this Philistine and removes this disgrace from Israel? 1Samuel 17:26

This question reveals that David was a prize focused warrior. To David it was inappropriate to just engage in battles without know what is in for him. That could be a total waste of his precious time. Sometimes, when I engaged people and I discover they have no prize in mind for their pursuits. Why do you want that lady or guy? Why do you want to take that internship or want that job? What is the prize behind that dream? Mostly, the responses are, I just love it.

The journey could be far, the path could be rough, is the prize worth your sacrifices? schandorfquotes

Sometimes people find themselves achieving victories that are empty--successes that have come at the expense of things that were far more valuable to them.

It is important to always keep your eyes on the prize. Begin with the end in mind. The prize you see would determine the sacrifices and pain to endure. The worth of any prize is based on our individual persuasions and values.

No two individuals have the same value for a particular prize.

To David, the value of marrying the king’s daughter in addition to the great wealth that would be given him was worth his life.

Knowing the prize helps you to eliminate distractions. David ignored his brother’s criticism and abusive words because he knew the prize.

Could it be that you gave up on that dream because you forgot how that dream would transform the lives of your family, society and Africa? How history would remember you?

Some of us, our mothers sacrificed and did not give up their marriages because they knew the value of our future- their #prize. They held the #dream, trusted God and braved through the process. And We Made It.

Whatever you pursue, keep your eyes on the prize.

What is your #Dream? What is Your #Prize? Keep Your Eyes On The Prize and Pursue… #Schandorfquoes #GiantKillers #ThePrize


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