Berekum, GH

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Woyome’s Boy Akyena Brentuo Suspended

A member of the Government’s Communication Team, Benjamin Akyena Brentuo, has been asked with immediate effect to stop holding himself “as a member of the Government Communication Team (GCT) until further notice.”

In a text message intercepted by Citifmonline. com and copied to a Deputy Chief of Staff, Alex Segbefia, it said in part, “Hi Benji, It has come to my attention that contrary to the position of CommStrat and the President that your conduct in the Woyome case learns itself to [SMS truncated] {jcomments on}

“Your continuous refusal to listen to me and abide by a collective decision only shows you do not wish to belong to the GCT…”

The suspension of Mr. Brentuo from the GCT stems from his recent comments on the much-talked about Woyome GhC42 million judgment case in which Mr. Brentuo held himself as the communications liaison for the embattled NDC financier.

Although the source of the message is not immediately clear, our sources at the presidency have indicated that other members of the communication team are privy to the news.

Brentuo's recent comment on the Woyome case was described in the text message as “unstrategic” and “reckless” and has unleashed “unnecessary attacks on the President and the government.”

In conclusion the message said “I wish you well in your future endeavours.”

Reliable sources at the Ministry of Information have also corroborated the information.


Martin Asiedu-Dartey/Citifmonline. com

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