Berekum, GH

Overcast Clouds Humidity: 69%
Wind: SW at 2.36 M/S
20.03°C / 30.58°C
21.47°C / 25.68°C
21.11°C / 26.51°C
21.11°C / 23.99°C

A Clean Berekum Is Possible

Shalom Radio, Shalom TV, Universal Club once again gave Berekum another beautiful treat on Sunday. The initiative of these organization saw people of Berekum coming together to clean choke gutters in the City. Their efforts were highly supported by Zoomlion and Fire service who gave personnel and logistics. The fire service cleaned the gutters with their pressures pumps from their fire tender which made the work complete.

These efforts were also supported by which is in line with their vision of building a better place for all.

A week ago, these same organizations helped cover pot holes at the junction of the Omanhene Street. The junction was blocked but has since been open for traffic.

These efforts must be encourage and people in the city should help create a better Berekum for us all. The authorities in the city also has a responsibility of making  sure that the right things are done and done on time to help develop this once beautiful community  into a wonderful place to live again.


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