Berekum, GH

Overcast Clouds Humidity: 69%
Wind: SW at 2.36 M/S
20.03°C / 30.58°C
21.47°C / 25.68°C
21.11°C / 26.51°C
21.11°C / 23.99°C

A Recycling Innovation In Berekum

The filth created by sachet bags from mineral water companies could be a thing of the past. An organization in Berekum known as FL FaithChild foundation has an innovative plan of turning sachet bags from mineral water into beautiful school bags, rain coats and other things.

The process for recycling theses bags, is very simple, the sachet bags are collected, cleaned and sew into these items.  A similar project had seen progress in the northern part of the country. The products made had been donated to poor school children, which brings smiles back to their faces.

This project in my opinion will go a long way of curbing the amount of filth created by these sachet bags in our community. It would also create employment for people who would be trained. Speaking to the Director of the FL Faith Child foundation, Mr. Felix Kyere-Yeboah, the only problem is funding and resources.

The items needed for the take off are sewing machines, tread, scissors, needles, a source of electricity and some incentives for the makers.

The organization through this medium is seeking for funding to help undertake this innovation to help recycle these bags, donate them to school kids and create jobs for the youth.

They are thus calling on mineral water companies, the government and the general public to come support this innovation to reduce filth in our once-beautiful community back to life.

With the introduction of environmental tax, hopefully the government could give funding to some of these projects to help control the filth created daily.

Let’s all help build a better Berekum.

For details contact project managers on +233247460934, +233272452807

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