Berekum, GH

Overcast Clouds Humidity: 70%
Wind: WSW at 2.05 M/S
21.1°C / 27.99°C
20°C / 25.9°C
20.53°C / 26.66°C
20.16°C / 28.08°C

Berekumman Citizens Begin Construction of a Six Unit Classroom Block for the People of Oforikrom.

Berekumman Citizens Begin Construction of a Six Unit Classroom Block for the People of Oforikrom.

In July this year, the Global Coordinator of Berekumman Citizens association, Mr Kofi Adaney, visited a farming community in Berekum, Oforikrom, to ascertain concerns raised by the residents on the risks children go through in accessing education.

The Ofrikrom community in Berekum shares a boundary with Tainso in the Tain district, both in the Bono region. Children in the Oforikrom community walk about one hour along the Berekum-Seikaw highway to access a school in the Tainso community.

There are about 90 children who walk every day to school in Tainso. The residents expressed the need for the community to get a school to help ease the burden children go through with the risks involved in plying the highway. The chief of the community has provided land for the project.

Berekummnan citizens association subsequently agreed to put up a six-unit classroom block to set up a school in the community at an estimated cost of GHC 200,000.

Work began on the 12th of December, 2022, and should complete by 2024. To Make a Donation toward the project, kindly contact

+233 24 342 2722
Joe Debrah
BCA Global Organiser

Kofi Adane [Borga1]
BCA Global Coordinator

+45 6142 8409
Thomas Obeng
BCA Anopa Bosuo Team Chairman

+49 1577 468 4432
Kofi Apraku
BCA Global Secretary


We focus on bringing people around the world closer to Berekum by providing relevant information and news related to Berekum in the Bono Region of Ghana

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