Berekum, GH

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People Living With Disability Get Their Share of The Berekum Municipality Assembly’s Common Fund

pwdThe People With Disability (PWD) in the Berekum East Municipal in the Brong Ahafo Region has been paid their share of the three percent (3%) of the Assembly’s common fund in an event at the Berekum East Assembly Hall on Monday morning 19 March 2018.

The amount paid included their share for last quarter of 2016 and the first three quarters of 2017. The amount given to an individual depends on the kind of information presented to the Association of People With Disability (PWD).

Briefing the gathering, Mr Alexander Amoah, the assistant Director of the Berekum East Municipal Assembly who stood in for the Berekum MCE, Hon Kofi Adjei said, this is to support them (PWD) in various ways in order to improve their standard of living and their families. He said some use the money to support their education, petty trading, apprenticeship, farming etc. He further made it clear that, they are doing this exercise in batches as 53 out of 300 have received their share. The share for the next batch will be disbursed soon.

Talking to the press after the presentation of cheques to the beneficiaries, he said there is about 110,000 Ghana CEDI's to be disbursed for the four quarters but only 23,100 has been disbursed. The beneficiaries thanked the government and assembly for remembering them and appealed to the government to accelerate payment and reduce delays to keep up with their upkeep.



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