Berekum, GH

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Profile of Berekumman Hemaa Nana Akua Ameyaahene II Who Fought Against Curses In Berekum

queen of BerekumThe chiefs and people of Berekum Traditional Area in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana have set five days aside to mourn their late queen mother Nana Akua Ameyaahene II. The final funeral rites celebration starts from Wednesday, 1st to Sunday, 5th August, 2018.

The Profile of the Late Queen Mother.

Nana Akua Ameyaahene II, the late Queen Mother of Berekum Traditional Area was born in 1942. She was enstooled as the Omanhemaa of Berekum in the year 1974 to work together with the late Berekum Omanhene Nana Yiadom Boakye II after the demise of late Queen mother then, Nana Fekaa in 1974. She was queen until she passed away last year 2017.

After the late Omanhene, Nana Yiadom Boakye II passing, in the year 1999, the late Queen Mother selected her senior brother the current Omanhene of Berekum, Nana Dasebre Dr Amankona Diawuo II to be the king and Omanhene of Berekum, who is currently in state to mourn her junior sister the queen mother.

During her time as Queen mother, The Berekum Omanhemaa stood tall to fight against curses and those who invoke curses (duabo) on people. Indeed, during her active reign, no Berekum Citizens was found or seen invoking a curse on any person. She possessed the noble character of bringing people together always.

She worked tirelessly to promote peace and unity during her tenure as a queen mother of Berekum Traditional Area.

Nana Akua Ameyaahene II sort to bring and train all the queen mothers under her leadership as Omanhemaa of Berekum Traditional Area and promoted unity among all the queen mothers in Berekum.

She was a mother to all the people of Berekum and even refused to collect fines from people who appeared before her services when one was guilty in cases she settled.

She projected her Christian faith as a Catholic and she always advised people to follow the steps of Christ.

Nana Akua Ameyaahene II had five children, two men and three women.

Berekum Traditional Council led by Nana Dasebre Dr. Amankona Diewuo ll the Omanhene of Berekum together with his chiefs has prepared very well to give the late Queen mother Nana Akua Ameyaahene II a befitting 5-day final funeral rites celebration.

Story by: Opamago Paparichy of Akomapa Fm in Berekum.


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