Berekum, GH

Light rain Humidity: 81%
Wind: WSW at 0.99 M/S
20.24°C / 30.69°C
20.92°C / 28.47°C
20.68°C / 25.82°C
20.41°C / 29.88°C

Berekumman Citizens Association Begins Demolishing of Station Toilet to Begin A Modern One

berekum toiletBerekumman citizens association was formed a few years ago with the main aim of pushing the Berekum developmental agenda. In light of this, the association has undertaken some projects such as sinking boreholes for some communities, donation of educational materials, tree planting in the traditional area, among other things.

The association put forward a proposal about a year ago to build a modern toilet facility at the main Berekum lorry station to replace the existing one which is under the authority of the Berekum East Municipal Assembly, which hasn't been in the best of shape.

The association requested the Municipal Assembly to grant them access to demolish and put up a new one. The assembly was not forthcoming with a response thus the association proceeded to Nananom with their proposal.

Nananom on the 28th of August 2019 asked the assembly to facilitate the necessary processes to handover and provide a permit to the association to commence the reconstruction.

On the last sitting of the assembly on the 20th of September, 2019 which also saw the dissolution of the assembly, the assembly rejected the proposal of the association. In a follow-up to the assembly on why the rejection, it was pointed out that the proposal couldn’t be accepted because, among other things, such as non-clarity of the terms and conditions and lack of detail, it could not qualify the proposal as a public-private partnership (PPP).

The association immediately forwarded the rejection response from the assembly to Nanamom and Nananom met the association a few days later and asked them to provide details on the project.

Nananom in a letter dated, 9th of October, 2019 and copied to the office of the Coordinating Director of the Berekum East Municipal Assembly, authorized the association to demolish the toilet and begin the construction of the proposed modern facility.

The letter which is signed under the authority of the Omanhene of Berekum, Daasebre Dr Amankona Diawuo II, reads;

“Nananom are aware of the repeated complains of people about the unsightly condition of the toilet facility. The toilet facility and its surroundings are deeply engulfed in filth. The Traditional Council is further aware that some adjoining neighbours have used their resources to construct a fence wall around part of the toilet to prevent the heap of filth from spreading to their environment.

As a result of the pungent smell and horrid condition of the toilet facility, and given that the facility is now located in a highly densely populated area. Nananom are of the view that the continued use of the place by the public as a place of convenience, is very likely to cause health-related diseases to adjoining neighbours, users of the facility and the general public.

We state with much regret that when the facility became a health hazard, all attempt by Nananom to get the Assembly to renovate the facility have proven futile. It is important to note that, as a Municipality, Berekum must not only maintain its hard-won status as one of the neatest cities in Ghana, but every effort be made to resist any attempt by any person or group of persons to destroy the serene and neat sanitation of the municipality.

For the foregoing reasons, Nananom have resolved to and hereby do, revoke the license created in the Berekum East Municipal Assembly to occupy and operate the toilet facility on the land under reference. From the date of this letter, the Berekum Traditional Council has effectively-entered the land.

The Traditional Council is pleased to grant the land under reference to the Berekumman Citizen Association to construct a befitting toilet facility for the people of Berekum. The grant of the land to the Association includes, but not limited to the power to demolish all existing structures on the land and construct a new structure(s) thereon.

It is the keenest expectation of Nananom that all stakeholders will collaborate with the Berekuman Citizens Association to undertake the intended project to give the Municipality the face-lift it deserves. It is further hoped that the intended facility will help improve the sanitation in the municipality.

The Berekuman Citizen Association in executing the project are advised to prepare Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to all the stakeholders including the Berekum Traditional Council for study in managing the facility.

The Traditional Council will be pleased to execute every available assistance to the Association to enable it to complete the project.”

On the 27th of October, 2019, the association started the demolish exercise which resulted in a misunderstanding between the current operators of the facility and the association, who says they were not aware of the demolishing authorization.

The leader of the Association in Berekum, Evangelist Paul Osei Agyeman has however hinted, the association will sink a borehole by next week at the site, which will be used to provide water for the construction works. He also pointed out that the project is scheduled to complete in six months.


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